• While purchasing a new herb grinder is not exactly a heavy investment there is no point in not getting the best for your money. At HerbTools we always point our customers in the right direction to get the best deal for their budget. When it comes to the herb grinder you do not need to spend much to get a crusher that will turn your herbs to absolute chowder.

    Grinders feature different styles of teeth, these are; shark tooth, pins


    But what's the best?

    For tearing apart herbs we find that the shark tooth types are by far the best.


    Other cool types

    Our pollen collector grinders are an amazing way to store the pollen that falls off your mix. They are normally made from aluminium and feature 3-5 parts that can be unscrewed. The pollen falls through a sieve and the ground herb sits on top of the sieve ready for collection.

    Using these tools are absolutely crucial for both bongs and roll ups. They create the perfect consistency for rolling and smoking. Be sure to check out our guide on water pipes

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